# This is the mount authentication file. # To use this file, copy it to etc/mounts.aut in the icecast base directory # You specify which group(s) have access to which mountpoints # Groups are specified in the groups.aut file. # Note that you CANNOT specify users, only groups # Separate the mountpoint from the groups with a colon, and the # groups with commas # Example: # /monkey:enterprise,bandcamp # There are two special keywords, "all" and "rest", if you specify # "all" as the mountpoint (without slash), all other mountpoint # authorization lines are ignored and only the groups specified # on the "all" line are used. # The mountpoints /admin and /oper specify which users and groups can # use the WWW admin interface command, and operator commands. Don't # remove these, or anyone will have full access to the server. # The groups specified on the "rest" line are used to authorize # the mountpoint for which there are no lines. # Note that you DO NOT have to specifiy "rest" or "all". In fact # I suspect most people will not want this feature. # Example: # /reggae:reggaegroup,bandcamp # rest:enterprise /admin:mng /oper:mng /music1:all